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First Morning in Tokyo in a Decade

Happy 2024!

Happy 2024!


Submitted by tom on Mon, 09/05/2022 - 14:36

Finally made it to Tokyo and my first morning walk in what is already a steamy late Summer day. Our first stop is in Asakusa area, not too far from Kaminarimon and the Sumida River, where I took my walk this morning. I share the riverside with a number of other walkers and runner, all of us trying to avoid the massive amounts of sweat we expect as the heat heads towards 85 F/90% humidity. It was also a time to see Nakamise Dori behind Kaminorimon almost empty, as well as adjoining malls/covered alleys...

The newest major addition since I've been gone is Tokyo Skytree - here framed with the (in)famous Asahi Golden Turd (sometimes called a Golden Imo/Sweet Potato). Asahi, on whose headquarters it sits, claims it represents beer foam, but no one has really bought that since the beginning...

Today we are taking Marie' to one of our favorite places, Takao San, a mountain topped by a shrine we used to climb when we lived here. The countryside of Tokyo. That will be later today, provided we don't melt in the sweat..

All of the shots from this morning's walk can be seen in their own Google Album at: